Special Events
Our programs are sponsored by Chautauqua Historical Society in collaboration with the New Piasa Chautauqua Program Committee.
All dates, times and locations are subject to change. Check the weekly Channels for updates.
Events for Our 2024 Season
June 9 – The 17th Annual Young Musicians Series
8:00 PM, Historic Kupferle Chapel
The Chautauqua Historical Society is pleased to present the 17th Annual Young Musicians Series featuring violist Molly Prow.
Molly is an accomplished violist who is a recent graduate of The Juilliard School. She will be returning to Juilliard to pursue a masters degree in the fall.
Molly has thoroughly enjoyed her musical journey that began with the viola at age 10 and brought her to The Juilliard School in 2020. She currently studies with Misha Amory and Hsin Yun Huang at Juilliard where she has also benefited from chamber coachings from Laurie Smukler, Samuel Rhodes, Natasha Brovsky, Ronald Copes, and Joseph Kalichstein. Previously, she studied with teachers Joanna Mendoza of the Arianna String Quartet and Anna Lachschewitz. She has attended many prestigious festivals including the Music Academy of the West, Aspen Music Festival, Heifetz International Music Institute, Curtis Summerfest, Bowdoin International Music Festival, and Madeline Island Chamber Music Festival. In the Fall of 2023 she traveled to England for studies with the London Symphony. She has had the privilege of masterclass performances with Atar Arad, Kirsten Doctor, and Jeffrey Irvine. Prow is looking forward to returning to Juilliard in the fall to continue with her master’s degree under the tutelage of Misha Amory and Cynthia Phelps.
We continue to be grateful for our long standing partnership with Vera Parkin of the Community Music School of Webster University, who makes this concert and series possible. Vera will be accompanying Molly on the piano.

June 15 – Vintage Tennis
12:30 PM, Tennis Courts
If you like vintage, you’ll love vintage tennis.
Come out for a bit of old-fashioned and friendly competition using wooden racquets!
All ages are welcome.
Wear your tennis whites, don your straw hats and parasols. Bring a picnic lunch to enjoy between matches or while you watch!
By the way, if you have a strung wooden racquet that we may borrow, please contact Ellen Mullarkey.

July 5 – Twentieth Annual Platform Lecture
7:00 PM, Auditorium
Jim Craft, a Michigan-based author and historian who has visited, studied, and written about numerous Chautauqua locations, will speak about the history of the Chautauqua Movement.
Jim Craft has a B.A. in History from Oakland University (Rochester, MI) and an M.A. in History from Wayne State University (Detroit, MI). Since 1995, he has been active in various historical projects: writing, researching, developing curriculum material, doing curatorial work and lecturing.
Donations to the CHS and proceeds from the PCEF helped to make this lecture possible.